
Eugenio Miccini

La creazione è compiuta

1987, Collage on screen. Private collection


With La creazione è compiuta (The creation is complete), Miccini follows the initiative of Sarenco in using folding screens (also known as room dividers) as structures for his artworks. Going beyond its function to separate spaces, Miccini’s screen becomes a door to the public sphere. His collages are composed of image and text cut from various newspapers, a typical material of visual poetry. Referencing the power of mass media and collective imagery, the work creates a sense of chronological continuity by featuring themes across history from ancient times to current affairs.

Eugenio Miccini began his artistic practice as a painter, but became involved with poetry at the end of the 1950s. Between 1963 and 1964, he organized the conferences “Art and Communication” and “Art and Technology” together with Pignotti, after which the Gruppo 70 was formed. Thanks to these meetings, Miccini abandoned linear poetry and introduced the term visual poetry, identifying this term with artworks that mainly use collage to implement a semiotic guerrilla. In Florence in 1969, he founded the Centro Tèchne as well as the magazine of the same name. During this period, he approached Sarenco, participated in the magazine Lotta Poetica, and collaborated with the Gruppo dei Nove, which later merged with Logomotives in 1983. He participated in four editions of the Venice Biennale (1972, 1980, 1986 and 1993) and at the XI Quadrennial of Rome (1986).

La creazione è compiuta

1987, Collage on screen. Private collection

