
Jürgen Kleft

Archaeology of Humanity: Sockenzone

2018, Mixed media installation. Courtesy the artist

Jürgen Kleft works on the notions of nomadism and theatricality through big environments. Archaeology of Humanity: Sockenzone is a site-specific installation of an archaeological site. Local materials and objects with ragged literary fragments are displayed on pedestals like recent excavations. Visitors enter the Sockenzone – a time when you are only allowed to enter the excavation site in socks not to destroy the findings with your shoes – and are engaged in the discovery of human narratives. Mirroring the legacy of calligraphy and manuscripts introduced downstairs, this immersive environment reveals how civilization is captured and preserved through the personal record.

Jürgen Kleft was born in Klagenfurt, Austria, in 1985. He is an artist-explorer based in a tent city near Vienna. He has exhibited at Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale (Tirana – Durrës) and the Ligak Museum of Art (Korea).

Archaeology of Humanity: Sockenzone

2018, Mixed media installation. Courtesy the artist

