Kutupalong Refugee Camp – Bangladesh

Kutupalong, located near Cox’s Bazaar, in Bangladesh, is the largest refugee camp in the world: according to UNHCR estimates, it is now home to around 600 thousand people of Rohingya origin.

The Rohingya are a Muslim ethnic minority who have lived for centuries in the Rakhine State, in western Myanmar. Due to historical tensions with the Buddhist population in the region since 1982 they have been denied citizenship, making them one of the largest minorities in the world without a homeland.

Over one million Rohingya have fled their homes since 1990, followed more recently by other significant waves of migration due to the Myanmar government crackdowns that have been happening since 2017.

Today, more than half of the Rohingya refugee population in Bangladesh are children.

Year of establishment: 1991
Total area: 13 km²
Population: 598,545
Density of population: 46.000/km²
Area of origin: Myanmar (Rohingya population)

Year of establishment: 1991
Total area: 13 km²
Population: 598,545
Density of population: 46.000/km²
Area of origin: Myanmar (Rohingya population)
