Campo rifugiati di Kakuma – Kenya

Located in the north-west region of Kenya, the Kakuma refugee camp was initially founded in 1992 to welcome young refugees from Sudan (The Lost Boys of Sudan).
Over time a significant number of refugees from Ethiopia and South Sudan were added. Today, together with the Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement, it hosts 254,000 refugees. “We call it a camp, but it is actually a city,” said the Director of the Kakuma Office of the UN Refugee Agency in 2018.
The “Kakuma city”, seen through the eyes of the six participating artists in the project, includes a structured artistic community, with training programmes in various fields: painting, photography, film and projects created with funds given by humanitarian agencies. The organisation of the project within the camp was managed by the artist Alpha Mukange, and a key role in understanding the functioning of the artistic community was provided by Aminah Rwimo.

Year of establishment: 1992
Total area: 16 km²
Population: 254,962
Density of population: 15,935 / km²
Areas of origin: South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi

Year of establishment: 1992
Total area: 16 km²
Population: 254,962
Density of population: 15,935 / km²
Areas of origin: South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi

